A super versatile Vegan XO Miso Sauce made with oyster mushrooms, dehydrated mushroom powder (optional), dried shiitakes and miso.


50g oyster mushrooms dry sautéed, plus dehydrated mushroom powder (optional) and 40g dried shiitakes that I rehydrated (keep the mushroomy water!)

Blitz all of the above with a couple of shallots, 4 large chunks of ginger, 3 hot chillies, fermented garlic and ginger paste, couple of nori sheets and make a chunky paste.

Heat about 150ml of oil on a medium low heat in a pan and put the chunky mushroom paste in, plus the mushroomy water, 200ml Shaoxing wine, 2 tbsp sugar and 2 tbsp MISO (I used my own miso, which wasn’t overly sweet, so go for a red, more earthy miso if buying in).

Fry gently for about 45-60 mins, stirring regularly so it becomes a thick paste and let it cool.

Sterilise a 500g preserving jar, add the sauce and seal the jar. Leave to ferment for about 2 weeks then pop it in the fridge where it will keep for AGES!

Julia Goddard